【Product Overview】EFL series light-curing materials and auxiliary products collection

Posted by: Yongqinquan Release Time:2023-01-06

Light-curing hydrogelIt has the advantages of easy operation, adjustable physical and chemical properties, good biocompatibility, etc. in3D cell culture, biological 3D printing, tissue repairIt is widely used in the field of regenerative medicine and other fields. Focusing on regenerative medicine research and helping biomedical innovation, the EFL team has launched a series of light-cured hydrogel products (GelMA, HAMA, SilMA, etc.) and auxiliary products (curing rings, controlled light sources, hydrogel lysis solution and microneedles, etc.), aiming to achieveWe provide complete solutions for the application of hydrogels in the field of regenerative medicine research.Related products have served hundreds of groups in Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, HKU, Tsinghua, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong and other universities at home and abroad, and have been well received by the majority of scientific researchers. Now the series of light-curing materials and auxiliary products are summarized as follows.


Light-curing biomaterials

Methacrylate-based gelatin(EFL-GM-30/60/90

Fluorescent methacrylate-based gelatin(EFL-GM-RF/GF/BF


Sodium methacryloylated alginate(EFL-AlgMASeries)

Methacrylatylated hyaluronic acid(EFL-HAMASeries)

Methacrylonylated silk protein(EFL-SilMA

Methacryloylated chitosan(EFL-S-CSMA

Methacryloylated carboxymethyl chitosan(EFL-CMCSMA)

Methacryloylated dextran(EFL-DeXMASeries

Methacryloylated chondroitin sulfate(EFL-ChSMA


Polyethylene glycol diacrylate(PEGDA

Four-arm polyethylene glycol acrylate(4-Arm-PEG-AC


Light-curing hydrogel modification materials


Acryloylated polyethylene glycolNHSEsters







Curing light source

Portable curing light source-Rechargeable flashlight(EFL-LS-1600-405/365

Portable curing light source-Desktop Timable(EFL-LS-1601-405

Surface curing light source(EFL-LS-1602


Hydrogel dye class

Alkene coupled hydrogel fluorescent dyes

Non-diffusing hydrogel dyes

Fluorescent microspheres


Detection reagents


Cell Live Death Staining Kit

TRITC-Phalloidin Rhodamine labeled ghost pen cyclopeptide


2D/3D Cell Culture Aids

Low-adhesion cell culture plates

Curing ring

Anti-adhesive film


Basic Biomaterials

Degummed silk

Water-soluble silk protein


Sodium hyaluronate



Chitosan quaternary ammonium salt

Sodium alginate


Carboxymethyl chitosan

Chondroitin sulfate


Polyvinyl alcohol

Polyethylene glycol-Polypropylene glycol-Polyethylene glycol(F127


Green fluorescent labeled sodium alginate

Green fluorescent labeled hyaluronic acid


Micro and Nano Materials

Nano clay

Nano hydroxyapatite

βTricalcium phosphate

GelMAMicrospheres (cross-linked)


Conductive materials

Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTs

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTs


Graphene oxide(GO


Microneedle Related

Microneedle Mould/Vacuum debubbling device


SpheroXTM Series

SpheroXTM96Ukit Cell Sphere96UOrifice plate set

SpheroXTM24kit Ultra-low adhesion24Hole flat bottom hole plate set

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Technical support: Wanhe Technology