Frequently Asked Questions

/ Common Problem

Ask: I have 3D printed several model structures using GelMA, but the material is transparent and the physical pictures don't look good in any way, is there a good way to take pictures?

Answer:Hydrogels can be dyed with different colors of dye to make the structure of hydrogels more recognizable. EFL has launched anti-diffusion hydrogel dyes (Catalog No.: EFL-DYE -ND), which are available in five colors: red, green, blue, yellow, and purple. The dye has a good anti-diffusion ability and can visually present different hydrogel forms. It can be applied to the coloring observation of self-healing hydrogels, suspended printing hydrogels, injectable hydrogels, and micro-channel hydrogels irrigation.

Ask: I want to wrap a layer of cell-loaded GelMA hydrogel on the surface of a 3D printed scaffold and then do immunofluorescence staining. How can I photograph the distribution of cells on the scaffold without fluorescence?

Answer:You can choose to wrap the cultured cells directly with fluorescent GelMA (Catalog No.: EFL-GM-RF/GF/BF series), or label the ordinary GelMA with the alkene-coupled fluorescent dye (Catalog No.: EFL-DYE-UF-ENE series). Select the fluorescence color that does not conflict with your immunofluorescence, and use the fluorescence emitted by GelMA to outline your printed scaffold structure.

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Technical support: Wanhe Technology